Piala Presiden 2019: Sejumlah Pilar Persib Absen, Djanur Sebut Bukan Keuntungan

Liputan6.com, Bandung Pelatih Persebaya Surabaya Djadjang Nurdjaman memberikan perhatian terhadap kedalaman skuat Persib Bandung jelang duel kedua tim di laga kedua Grup A Piala Presiden 2019. Kedua tim akan berduel di Stadion Si Jalak Harupat, Kabupaten Bandung, Kamis (7/3/2019) pukul 15.30 WIB.

Ada Channel Youtube Bagus Khusus Cowo Nih,Coba Lihat Deh

Dalam laga besok, Persib dipastikan tanpa sejumlah pemain pilarnya. Srdan Lopicic, Febri Haryadi dan I Made Wirawan dipastikan asben pada laga kontra Bajul Ijo ini.
Menanggapi absennya sejumlah pemain Persib, pelatih yang karib disapa Djanur itu menilai bukan sebuah keuntungan. Ia menyebut Persib masih mempunyai pemain lainnya dengan kualitas yang mumpuni.

"Secara materi Persib memiliki materi yang bagus bagus. Ada Ezechiel N'Douassel, Esteban Vizcarra, Ghozali Siregar, Hariono lalu Kim Jeffrey. Semua pemain di sana cukup berkualitas, jadi ketika ini tidak main itu tidak main sama imbang, sama baik, sama bagus jadi tetap harus kita waspadai," kata Djanur, Rabu (6/3/2019).
Waspadai Vicarra
Djanur mengakui kehadiran Vizcarra yang sempat absen pada laga perdana bakal menjadi ancaman. Menurutnya, Vizcara mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri meskipun sempat dibekap cedera dislokasi sikut kiri saat berlaga di Piala Indonesia belum lama ini.

"Termasuk esteban, dia punya kelebihan tersendiri walaupun cukup lama dia absen di pertandingan. Kalau dia comeback besok di pertandingan itu juga jadi akan perhatian kita," ucapnya.
Sumber dari Liputan6.com

Ada Channel Youtube Bagus Khusus Cowo Nih,Coba Lihat Deh

Only 15 percent of credit cards offer trip cancellation coverage, according to Creditcards.com, but if you own one of these cards, you might be able to skip buying travel insurance altogether, and the annual fee charged on these types of cards may be well worth it for frequent travelers. Chase Sapphire, for example, reimburses up to $5,000 $10,000 for trip cancellation, as long as the reason you or the carrier cancel the trip is one of the covered causes (e.g., severe weather, military orders, the carrier goes out of business, or you get too sick to fly—make sure you get a doctor's note to support your claim). It is also one of the few cards to reimburse you (up to $500) for reasonable expenses if your trip is delayed due to things like plane failure, labor strikes, or bad weather. Check out this short list of credit cards with travel insurance benefits or read the fine print of your card's policy to see if you're covered.

Baggage and personal items coverage: If someone steals something from your bag or your luggage is lost or delayed, travel insurance will pay you for your trouble, usually up to about $500 per lost baggage and $100-$300 per baggage delay. Missing and damaged bags happen a lot more often than you might think!
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