Wakil Ketua Satgas Antimafia Bola Kena Bully Suporter Persib di Medsos

Jakarta - Wakil Ketua Satgas Antimafia Bola, Brigjen Pol Krishna Murti, belakangan aktif menyoroti hal-hal yang terjadi sepak bola Indonesia di media sosial pribadinya. Sayang, niat baiknya memberi kritik yang membangun terkadang justru disalah artikan oleh netizen khususnya dari kalangan suporter. 

Setelah sebelumnya kena protes suporter Arema FC gara-gara memposting di Instagram foto mereka terlibat kerusuhan turun ke lapangan, Krishna Murti jadi korban bully Bobotoh Persib dengan kasus yang hampir sama.
Krishna merasa terusik dengan chant atau nyanyian berbau rasis yang dinyanyikan bobotoh saat Persib Bandung melawan Persebaya di penyisihan grup Piala Presiden 2019 yang disiarkan di Indosiar.

Dia pun lalu mengungkapkan pendapat pribadinya lewat postingan di akun instagram pribadi miliknya.Kali ini, dia memposting chat suporter Persib bernada rasis. Dalam postingan tersebut, Krishna Murti memuat video yel-yel bernada rasis yang dilakukan suporter Maung Bandung. Sembari melontarkan komentar:

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"Nyanyian yang tidak pantas.. Supporter sprt ini yg bikin sepakbola Indonesia gak maju2. Kalah ya kalah aja gak usah rusuh," tulis mantan Direktur Kriminal Polda Metro Jaya ini dalam caption foto tersebut.
Dia meminta suporter lebih dewasa dalam menyingkapi hasil akhir pertandingan. Dia meminta kepada PSSI agar menghukum suporter rasis yang tidak bisa menjaga ketertiban di dalam dan di luar stadion.

"PSSI harus kasih hukuman ke tim dan supporter kalau tidak bisa menjaga suasana kondusif di Stadion, termasuk chant rasis," tulisnya lagi.

Apesnya bukan mendapat dukungan positif,  Krishna Murti justru jadi bulan-bulanan. Kolom komentar di Instagram pribadinya banjir hujatan.

Krishna Murti belakangan mengumumkan melalui akun bakal memblokir setiap komentar sepak bola di Instagram pribadi. Di keterangan akun tertulis: yang nge tag sepak bola saya bclok.

Sebelumnya, Krishna Murti juga mengklarifikasi soal postingan keributan suporter antara Aremania dan bobotoh. Dia mengatakan tak bermaksud untuk menyudutkan klub manapun karena niat utamanya ingin membuat suporter lebih dewasa.

"Saya tidak bermaksud menyudutkan tim tertentu. Saya hanya ingin menunjukkan bahwa kerusuhan sepak bola jangan terjadi lagi di Indonesia. Kebetulan foto dari tim tersebut (Arema), " tulis Krishna Murti melalui akun Instgram.
Sumber Dari Bola.Com

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The insurance coverage varies by who you get it from as well as the individual policy you purchase. Overall, though, travel insurance is meant to protect you against unforeseen travel misfortunes, like your flight getting cancelled due to severe weather or your baggage getting lost or stolen.

There are four types of coverage included in travel insurance:

Trip cancellation and trip interruption insurance: This reimburses you non-refundable travel costs if your trip is cancelled or seriously delayed due to a natural disaster, illness, or the carrier goes out of business. The independent and carrier-provided insurance policies offer protection up to the amount you purchased, since this is the main reason people buy travel insurance in the first place. Coverage is usually around $1,500 per person for cancellation and $300-500 a day for trip interruption.

Only 15 percent of credit cards offer trip cancellation coverage, according to Creditcards.com, but if you own one of these cards, you might be able to skip buying travel insurance altogether, and the annual fee charged on these types of cards may be well worth it for frequent travelers. Chase Sapphire, for example, reimburses up to $5,000 $10,000 for trip cancellation, as long as the reason you or the carrier cancel the trip is one of the covered causes (e.g., severe weather, military orders, the carrier goes out of business, or you get too sick to fly—make sure you get a doctor's note to support your claim). It is also one of the few cards to reimburse you (up to $500) for reasonable expenses if your trip is delayed due to things like plane failure, labor strikes, or bad weather. Check out this short list of credit cards with travel insurance benefits or read the fine print of your card's policy to see if you're covered.

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