Inilah Deretan Koreo Hasil Karya Viking. Terakhir Waktu Lawan Persija

Meskipun banyak dicaci dan banyak Dicibir para netizen (yang maha benar). Namun setidaknya kita bukan harus mencibir hasil karya tersebut. Apa yang dilakukan para Bobotoh/viking bukanlah hal mudah. Mereka rela mengeluarkan kocek yang tidak sedikit, waktu dan pemikiran yang mereka Lakukan pun juga tidak Segampang yang kita lihat.

Nah, jika kalian belum pernah melihat koreo-koreo hasil karya mereka (Viking), berikut ini beberapa hasil karya yang dibuat para Bobotoh suporter Persib.

1. Jangan Ada Dusta Diantara Kita
2. Seorang Viking memegang di piala Liga indonesia (1994-2015)
3. Dukungan moral buat korban bom Surabaya

4. Anniversary Viking Persib Club

5. Maung Bandung menuju Trophy
6 . Persib Vs PSKC (bukan friendly match)
7. Bangkit, Juara, Ayo Persib
8. "Jangan Bermain-main dengan Kami"
9."PERSIB vs PERSIJA (3-2)"

Tugas suporter dewasa itu adalah menyuntikan semangat timnya dan membuat musuh tak bisa bermain lepas dilapangan. Lebih baik berkreatifitas daripada melakukan hal-hal yang bisa menimbulkan aksi kriminal.

Currently, over 250 students are enrolled in the FCU school program, where, in addition to academic training and sports, the students are taught animal husbandry and farming - allowing them to contribute to the success of the school and broaden their skill set
The FCU project receives a good part of their funding for the everyday running of the school from outside sources, however, many aspects of their projects are self-sustaining. For instance, they built their own brick kilns so staff and students can help create the bricks they need to build more student housing or other buildings to their school complex. They have also set up and maintain a large self-sustainable farm where they grow a lot of their fresh food and raise farm animals.  

In addition to their everyday schooling and training, FCU staff also try to introduce new concepts, professions and aspects of life outside of their small villages to encourage educational pursuits and professions that they have never been exposed to living in their small rural villages. As funding allows, staff take groups of children and youth on field trips to larger cities and visit hospitals, libraries, schools, and other institutions and businesses.

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