Djajang Nurjaman Termotivasi untuk Mengalahkan Persib - Pelatih Persebaya Surabaya, Djajang Nurjaman akan menjalani laga emosionalnya menghadapi Persib Bandung pada pekan ke-26 Liga 1, Sabtu (20/10) mendatang. Mengingat Djanur, sapaan akrabnya, adalah bagian dari perjalanan Maung Bandung.

Namun bagi Djanur, menghadapi mantan klub bukanlah laga yang spesial, karena di dunia sepak bola, berpindah tim adalah tradisi yang wajar. Justru dengan status itu, Ia punya tekad yang besar untuk mengalahkan Persib Bandung.

”Yang pasti karena saya sekarang sudah tidak di Persib, ada di tim lain, keinginan untuk mengalahkan pasti ada. Keinginan untuk mengalahkan mantan klub sangat besar,” kata Djanur usai latihan di Stadion Gelora Bung Tomo.

Tetapi Djanur tak menampik bahwa Persib sudah mengalami banyak perubahan setelah ditangani Mario Gomez. Terutama gaya permainan yang tidak terlalu mementingkan keindahan.

”Mereka ada style bermain yang berbeda sekarang, mereka dengan formasi 4-4-2, walaupun tidak memainkan Ezechiel [N’Douassel] dan [Jonathan] Bauman tapi tetap mereka memainkan itu,” jelas Djanur.

”Saya pikir ini cukup efektif, Persib bermain cukup efektif, tidak terlalu bagus, tidak enak dilihat tapi efektif. Sehingga ada di puncak [klasemen],” tegasnya.

Kendati demikian, Djanur sedikit banyak sudah mengetahui kekuatan Persib karena masih banyak mantan pemainnya dalam skuat tim Kota Kembang. Seperti Eka Ramdani, Atep, Toni Sucipto, Supardi Natshir, Haryono dan laiinnya.

”Saya pikir semua saling tahu, mereka tahu saya, saya tahu mereka,” tandasnya.
sumber dari bandung

As is the case with most types of insurance, auto insurance is something motorists buy with the hope that they will never need it — but even if you go months or years without having to make a claim, there may come a day when you’ll need to. We set out to learn all we could about New York’s top auto insurance providers in order to parse out the differences between them. Along the way, we also uncovered a slew of useful information for New York drivers to be aware of before shopping around for auto insurance.

New York Minimum Liability
In auto insurance jargon, liability essentially means “responsibility.” There are two main kinds of liability: bodily injury and property damage. If you are at-fault in an accident, your auto liability insurance will pay the other driver’s medical and vehicle repair costs.

Minimum liability refers to the minimum amount of insurance coverage the state of New York requires you to purchase before you can legally drive your car. (Sometimes, liability coverage is shown in the following shorthand: 25/50/10.) New York’s minimum liability coverage breaks down in the following manner:

$25,000 bodily injury coverage per person
$50,000 bodily injury coverage per accident
$10,000 property damage coverage per accident
A $10,000 minimum liability for property damage coverage per accident is on the lower side. In fact, 35 other states require higher minimum liability. You never want to purchase solely the minimum liability coverage. If you’re involved in a serious car accident, the crash might very well exceed the the minimum liability of $10,000 in property damage coverage per accident. You’ll be left paying the rest out of pocket. That’s why advises purchasing the highest amount of auto insurance you can afford.

One other interesting thing about New York state laws regarding auto insurance: policyholders must also have 50/100 for wrongful death coverage. This means $50,000 coverage for a wrongful death claim for any single person and $100,000 for a wrongful death claim for multiple people in a single accident. (We delve more deeply into this at the end of the review.)

There are many factors that determine auto insurance premiums (if you rent or own your home, how long you’ve been a licensed driver, your driving safety record, your ZIP code, and so on). This is why we highly recommend shopping around to find the most affordable premium and in-depth coverage for your specific situation. This review on the top auto providers in New York is a great place to start.
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