Mario Gomez Membenahi Persib Jelang Meladeni Persipura, Jayapura - Persib Bandung terus melakukan pembenahan jelang meladeni tim tuan rumah, Persipura Jayapura pada pekan ke-25 Gojek Liga 1 bersama Bukalapak di Stadion Mandala, Jayapura, Senin (15/10/2018).
Sudah dua hari terakhir ini tim Persib berada di Jayapura. Pelatih Persib, Mario Gomez, mengungkap pasukannya menunjukkan ketenangan dan optimisme meski pada laga sebelumnya, melawan Madura United (9/10/2018), gagal meraih poin.

"Tidak ada satu pun pemain yang ingin kalah. Kami tidak ingin kalah dan tidak suka menerima kekalahan, itu tidak baik bagi kami. Mungkin kami melakukan kesalahan besar di laga sebelumnya dan tentunya kami ingin berbenah untuk laga berikutnya melawan Persipura," ujar Gomez di Jayapura, Jumat (12/10/2018).

Kekalahan melawan Madura United, lanjut Gomez, merupakan pelajaran bagi anak asuhnya, apalagi ketika itu Persib bermain tanpa tujuh pemain kunci.

"Kekalahan kemarin itu sudah lewat dan menjadi pelajaran bagi kami. Yang penting di laga selanjutnya kami bisa meraih tiga poin dari Persipura" lanjut Gomez.

Gomez menambahkan secara keseluruhan kondisi skuat Persib bagus walau ada beberapa pemain yang masih sedikit merasakan nyeri. Namun, bukan masalah besar.

"Pemain kami punya karakter dan mereka juga bisa menikmati tempat ini. Semuanya kelihatan happy. Mungkin beberapa orang tidak suka melihat kami senang karena kami ada di atas, dan yang terpenting, kami ingin terus berada di posisi itu," imbuh pelatih asal Argentina ini.

Persib masih kehilangan beberapa pemain andalan saat melawan Persipura, yakni Ezechiel N'douassel, Jonathan Bauman, Bojan Malisic, dan Patrich Wanggai. Sementara Ghozali Siregar dan Ardi Idrus sudah bisa kembali dimainkan.

"Memang ada beberapa pemain penting yang masih tidak bisa bermain, tapi Persib masih punya pemain lain yang berkualitas untuk memenangi pertandingan melawan Persipura" ucap Gomez.
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Best Car Insurance in New York
New York is home to big-city traffic, a no-fault insurance system, and a lot of auto insurance fraud — all of which increase drivers’ overall risk in the eyes of insurers. So it should come as no surprise that New York residents pay 20 percent more than the national average on their premiums. The good news is, that the commercials are right: There’s a way to save hundreds of dollars a year on your auto insurance. All it takes is a little bit of research and a few minutes collecting quotes.
I got quotes for New York’s minimum coverage and found prices varied by up to $500 from one company to the next. GEICO turned out to be the cheapest for me, but it may not be for you. Insurance policies are based on a ton of personalized information, so there’s no way to say one company is the best hands-down. Each provider has its own formula for calculating rates based on those many risk factors and they each weigh things like the make and model of your car, your driving history, and where you live differently. The only way to know which company best suits your needs is to compare a bevy of quotes — and I would aim for at least five.
Online quotes should only take five minutes each and you should know most of the information already, such as your name and date of birth. If you can’t remember the details of any recent accidents or you don’t know your average annual mileage, though, you should look that up beforehand. I got all of my quotes online except for one; I was unable to get a Nationwide quote online and so I had to call them. If this happens to you, expect that to add about 10 or 15 minutes to the process. And while we I do recommend getting more than the minimum coverage, expect to get upsold when talking to a live agent. (In fact, some might not even let you apply for minimum coverage at all.) If you go in knowing the coverage type your looking for, and what you consider to be too much, it’ll make it that much easier to turn down the upsell.

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